Consumer device Test eUICC for RSP Testing (remote sim provisioning)

Why Use a Test eSIM?

Running RSP functions is protected by credentials that are normally not known to the user. As the consumer device Test eUICC is personalized with test certificates and test keys, it allows the tester to set up an RSP test infrastructure. This means that defined procedures for the remote provisioning and management of the embedded UICC (eUICC) can be executed in a test environment.

Test eUICC can be used for the following tasks:

Functional testing of the Subscription Managers (SM-DP and SM-SR)

Verification of SIMalliance profile definitions

Testing the consumer device interoperability

The consumer device Test eSIMs are configured with Test Certificates and Test Keys according to the GSMA SGP.26 - RSP Test Certificates Definition Specification

that has been created in accordance with longtime experience with test SIMs and test USIMs. The profile includes the 3G test algorithm. The file structure of the profile can be scanned and updated via Remote File Management (RFM). The necessary keys are provided. Moreover, different profiles can be loaded to the card for testing purposes by means of the respective eUICC standard procedures. The consumer device Test eUICC  is removable and comes in the Triple format 2FF (plug-in), 3FF (mini-UICC), 4FF (nano-UICC)

The test eUICC for consumer device is already the second (2nd) test eSIM in the test card portfolio. Earlier this year, Smartjac already introduced a test eUICC for M2M.

  • Test eSIMs are configured with Test Certificates and Test Keys according to the GSMA SGP.26 - RSP Test Certificates Definition Specification
  • No profile loaded
  • 1.8 V / 3 V / 5 V
  • Temperature –25°C to +85°C
  • Triple format 2FF (plug-in), 3FF (mini-UICC), 4FF (nano-UICC)
  • Repluggable card
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